inspired by the senses
\ˈpōəm\ something that arouses strong emotions because of its beauty.
Words that awaken your heart
Inspiration all starts from within you. Readers' interests are piqued when poetic words grab senses and hearts.
Imagine source: crearting on etsy
Let me create with you on a creative copy project. I love to see my poetry in print accompanied with beautiful visuals. I lend you my poetic, creative mind for:
- Coffee table book of poems
- Inspirational calendars
- Postcards
- Greeting cards
{when beauty speaks}
I'm inspired by beauty that brings voices to the surface. What grabs other's hearts affects me too. I am lured to words that tune into the senses. Emotions evoked create relationships that are worth continuing.
Follow my Behind the eyes of a writer™ series in my blog for insight and vision.