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my secret innuendo
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examiner wellness
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integral to the efforts of the web design team

Karen Macdonald, Business Director for Michael R. Macdonald, MD - Having become confident in Robin's can-do attitude and her fearlessness in tackling new internet marketing (after initially hiring her to write and maintain a blog), we were able to let her "just run with it" in many areas which was a great relief to us as a small business. She's constantly focused on learning new tricks of the trade to enhance her clients' brand image and SEO visibility.

Given her take-charge and highly organized approach to projects, plus savvy technical knowledge of behind-the-scenes data structure, we found that—although not officially engaged to be a part of our major website redesign project in late 2011 to early 2012—she became integral to the efforts of the web design/development team. She was indispensable—the project could not have been completed without her. Project and account management are clearly one of her most valuable skill sets.

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