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frēdəm\  the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint.


Entries in distraction (3)


Distracted by anxiety until disruptive energy is discharged: Yoga and psychology

I am distracted often. Yes, it gets in my way when I feel I’ll be in trouble if I don’t accomplish a certain goal. Yet, with my life of freedom—more so, the art of distraction itself—I wouldn’t have it any other way. There is a beauty and inherent intelligence in distraction.


Why does a distracted mind cause anxiety? So many people are taking medication for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) as if to cure this ailment; it’s as if they are being taught that they cannot live adequately in our society without the maximum ability to hone in on a specific task and fulfill it without question, without delay. It’s now, or else.

Why is this? People with ADHD focus intensely on their own topic of interest. They are highly focused. They are exceedingly intelligent because of thisdisordered ability to focus. This activity is peaceful because it is naturally-driven and full of integrity.

Don’t we each want to live a life that is fused with our innate, inner desires?

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Walk through the vestibule: Sounds and sights as benchmarks


You have, I'm sure, had the experience at one time in your life of forgetting what you were doing as soon as you entered another room. Do doorways actually serve as event boundaries or is one's ability to remember linked to the environment in which a decision was created?

True, research has shown that environmental factors affect memory and that information learned in one environment is retrieved better when the retrieval occurs in the same context. The act of passing through a doorway, however, serves as a way the mind files away memories.

Walk through the vesibule into your new home and feel yourself enter into a new world full of possibilities—new thoughts, sounds, visions. 

Your life is interpretted by a cacophony of sounds, sights and feelings, whether in the forefront or background of your days. From city streets to your own old house. As time passes, you get used to it all, and allow chaos to blend into your life. By tuning out that which takes over your senses of distraction, you keep the melodious qualities that bring music to your ears.

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What is up with the iPhone auto-correct feature? A tangled web...

Any iPhone owner who sends text messages has learned with practice that the auto-correct feature, which is usually turned on by default when you get your phone, is not always your friend. After using it for awhile it supposedly gets to know you with its artificial intelligence. How cool! But aren't there some words it determines that you really wonder about? 

It's fascinating for me to try to put my own mind into the computer mind of the auto-correct and imagine a tangled web of letters and words coming in, with many choices depending on the next web. It can almost be like choices we make every second in life, each based on the previous moment. 

Doesn't the idea of auto-correct bring to mind a spell checker, which would imply that if you spell a word incorrectly, its built-in smarts will correct your spelling and thereby come up with a word that actually exists in the English language?

This is not always the case with the iPhone though, is it. What about words that are not even words? I'm sure you know what I'm talking about. 

Also, why can't it figure out that I just forgot a space? It's great at figuring out the missing apostrophe though. 

What about the suggestions? While I'm typing, I see the suggestion pop up and if I want to chose it I will. But, I don't chose it, want to keep my word I typed, see it actually typed out, and then... after [Send] it is the wrong word! 

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