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frēdəm\  the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint.


Entries in life change (13)


Traumatic brain injury research to help head trauma victims


Head trauma victims often end up with Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI) or Mild Traumatic Brain Injuries (mTBI). What is TBI and what is mTBI?

TBI describes an impairment of brain functioning. It can result from trauma, head injury, infection, lack of oxygen, objects striking the head, chemical exposure, near drowning, birth related injuries, or medical negligence.

mTBI is trauma-induced physiological disruption of brain function, as manifested by any period of loss of consciousness, any loss of memory for events immediately before of after the accident, any alteration in mental state—feeling dazed, disoriented or confused, post-traumatic amnesia (PTA) not greater than 24 hours after 30 minutes, or an initial Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) of 13-15 loss of consciousness of approximately 30 minutes or less.

The Brain Injury Research Center at UCLA points out that mTBI it can evolve into anxiety disorders, personality changes,  depression, chronic pain, sexual dysfunction and insomnia.

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Natural menopause remedy: Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT)


Don't we all want to look and feel our best in life as we age? We run up against more challenges when we age than we did in our youth. Exercising, eating well, engaging in healthy relationships, and going in the sun and warm ocean to make us smile are contribut to happiness.

We get help from experts to improve our skin tone, lighten our load, and enhance our facial features, to name a few, so that our smiles truly do enhance our overall look and feel about ourselves.

What about hormones? Hormones play an important role in maintaining the receptors of every single organ in the body—brain cell, heart cell and skin cell.

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Synchronicity in your work and life


 Carl G. Jung defines synchronicity as the conceptual relationship of minds, intricately structured in their own logical way which gives rise to that which is not causal in nature. 

I truly believe that life is an expression of a deeper order, and that a person is embedded in this. 

I believe you can dramatically change your life by being more creative in the things you strive for, thinking outside of the box and making firm decisions about what you want out of life.

I help myself, and others realize their greater wholeness and how this can bring them to their happiest and perfect space internally, but also as a reflection on the outside in their lives and business.

What synchronicities are alive in your life today?

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Learning to talk to yourself: Your internal dialogs


It's not easy, but possible to speak internally to another person as if you have direct access to each other's thoughts. You can be fueled by the language that speaks to you inside your mind. This dialog can be a way for you to make things right simply within your mind with certain people.

Speaking the secrets of your soul is easy when you speak to yourself. When your heart is open, you are able to feel the truth of what you really feel.

Listen to the story you have to tell. You can read it, listen to it, and live in it as you would your favorite book.

You have many channels to your heart. The trick is to find yours—the ones that undeniably open every time.

Find the universal presence, spirit or love that resonates most with you and feel it hold you like a warm blanket. Then speak to it. Let it tell you, as if you are looking into a mirror, what you have to say.

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A stress free life

Do you wake in the morning and tell yourself that today will be the day that you will really take your health to another level? One idea to ponder is why you would wait. Any moment can be a time to set your intention. You might wait because you are too stressed at the idea of changing. 

A healthy life makes you feel great but activities that drive our personalities can interfere with health, some of which feed addictive behaviors, stress, overindulgence or even laziness. Although we all mean well and fully intend to do what our heart tells us to do, is following every inclination at every moment actually following your heart and acting with your best health in mind?

There are many different facets included in health. Those that require motivation for some of you such as diet, exercise and mind-calming activities are part of it, but if you are stressed about the plan you have for yourself or the goal you wish to achieve, then maybe you are going about it in the wrong way for you.

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