Adult stem cells in fat: Life-saving procedures
Adult stem cells and your own fat. I read about a new, innovative technique in the New You magazine regarding adult stem cells and how you can share your own fat cells within your body to, in some cases, repair diseased and broken parts.
This stem cell technology is being utilized in the medical world for facial fat grafting, and orthopedic and muscle regeneration, to name a few. Apparently, the stem cells in your fat are potent healers. Hmmm….
From my recollection, there were a lot of political debates surrounding stem cell research. I'm learning though that stem cells are actually magical mystery bullets, and they are launching a healing revolution.
What exactly are stem cells and why are they so important? Stem cells are found in all multi-cellular organisms. They are an undifferentiated prototype cell that can take on the identity of other cells. Embryonic cells, found in unborn fetuses, become all the distinct organs in the body. [The Pro-Life community debated over this controversial embryonic stem cell research.]