Behind the eyes of a writer™: A series
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frēdəm\  the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint.


Entries in surrender (2)


Learning how to live like a cat

I have wondered lately if it would be possible to live the life of one of my two indoor cats, and if I were to accomplish this endeavor, how relaxed life would be. As I rush around through my days full of schedules and kids, I often remind myself of the solace I will feel when I finally get to relax on the floor—alone in a space to call my own, just big enough for me, for a meditative yoga pose... eyes closed.

But as I break free from my own little world, looking into the universe that my cats call home, I find that they are to be revered as far as wellness is concerned.

I once told a friend of mine that I'm taking a two week vacation, yet to stay at home. My vacation was to be at home and live the life of a cat.

I would wake up when I please, get someone to make me food and change my water, and then look for a warm, sunny spot to chill for awhile. If it got too loud, I would retreat to a cozy, cavelike spot surrounded with all things warm and fluffy. I would sleep for hours, only to wake when I missed the people I love.

I would then make my way to them to cuddle with glee, purr loudly and enjoy my bliss—sometimes by a bonus fireplace—and life would be complete.


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Pebbles or mountains?


You don't trip over mountains. It's the small pebble that causes you to stumble....

So, why give the pebble such power over you? Do what you have to do to simply get past it, allowing the door to the next dream in your heart to open.

Pass all the pebbles in your path and you will find you have crossed the mountain!

It really is as simple as you let it be. When you trust that the unknown can guide you, you will feel awe or fear of knowing the happiness you withhold from yourself.

Even in darkness you can find the pebbles that haunt you. Pick them up with your small hands and toss them aside, or transform them into something precious by giving them thanks for providing you with their lessons. You know they are your gifts.

Surrender to your dream that was picked for you.

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