Behind the eyes of a writer™: A series
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frēdəm\  the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint.



Behind the eyes of a writer™: A series, part four

Behind the eyes of a writer™: A series, part four

cotton in my brain, in my heartContinuing on from asleep but not forgotten, part three of Behind the eyes of a writer™ series, as the wind blows, I know why I'm a writer.

...sometimes slienced

Sometimes the words don’t come—well only the ones that no one wants to hear. These are the times when I need them the most. It’s when I desperately wish I could write a wonderful book just for me to read, so that I will believe that it’s possible to touch another being in this moment.

Now, words frozen inside me, stuck in oblivion, I am clogged and cold. Without the waterfall of thoughts de-corking my heart, I am like stone.

The thoughts are in my heart. My heart is broken. My love has been squashed on and made to feel worthless. All of my feelings—made best into soulful words—have nowhere safe to be.

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© 2012 R.E.L. Copywriting


Sweet dreams: Traditional Chinese Medicine inspired sleep tips and more

Sleep, dream, be all that you are... (Image credit: Freya Coursey)This photo reminds me of Alice & Wonderland, or a happy dream. A vibrant, colorful walk through a forest also comes to mind... all after a restful sleep.

Without sleep, our whole viewpoint on life changes. All that was once beautiful becomes overwhelmed by heavy eyelids, low energy, a negative mind, or a feeling that maybe tomorrow will be better. If you cover up a lack of sleep with caffeine, eventually health problems will arise—and certainly mood swings, pending disease and an unbalanced physique.

Without sleep we are not living the lives we are meant to. Don't you want the best for your health? Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a 2,000-year-old Chinese-based medical practice and theory based on herbs, acupunture, massage, exercise and diet, concerned with digestion, breathing, aging and harmony in the body. TCM has a few remedies to improve your quality of sleep that I'd like to share.

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Behind the eyes of a writer™: A series, part three

Behind the eyes of a writer™: A series, part three

if you think i'm asleep, think again...

Continuing on from when reader meets writer in part two of Behind the eyes of a writer™ series, write with me as if I'm writing you, as if I hear only your voice.

...asleep but not forgotten

As the wind blows, I know why I’m a writer. Because life is in balance; like a seesaw, it tips. I see through a lens that looks for what’s interspersed as opposites—each sting has a petal. I can hear what you see when I am grateful to be alive.

Behind the eyes of a thinker, who disappoints, not. The thought of a dream behind a barrier cannot exist until you see it.

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© 2012 R.E.L. Copywriting


Healthy eyesight: Luteins, red wine and computers

I went to the optometrist today for my first time in all my years—having 20/20 vision all my life—because I noticed that in the last year or so, I am no longer able to read the fine print on my iPhone. For that matter, I cannot focus on anything anymore that is within a one-foot distance from my eyes. This is new for me.

Short of getting reading glasses, which I'm actually excited about for the first time in my life, I wanted to get a detailed eye exam to find out the real scoop on my eyes and get an expert opinion on how to proceed.

To make a long story short, I was prescribed luteins. Or should I say, more luteins—in other words, red wine. As a red wine enthusiast (both consumer and wine-tasting tour-vacationer), I am continually happy to hear of the health benefits of my beverage of choice. My only alcoholic beverage, in fact.

red wine grapes

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Behind the eyes of a writer™: A series, part two

Behind the eyes of a writer™: A series, part two.

painting by Amanda G. Wright Continuing on from a faucet of words, part one of the Behind the eyes of a writer™ series, the writer is a person whose faucet of words continue to flow.

Write with me
... as if I'm writing you
... as if I hear only your voice.

...when reader meets writer

When reader meets writer, nuances of meaning become interspersed as a vision is painted in one mind, relayed by a dream in the other mind, yet transposed. The writer knows how to allude to a holographic world—once secret, now exposed.

Writing involves a sinking into silence—that is loud enough to hear inklings of thoughts. Whether they be thoughts within you or thoughts of another person telling a story, listening is an art. As whispers emanate words, it’s a skill to listen to the message of the one for whom the words are written.

For, listening goes beyond the ears. It involves the intellect as it mixes with imagination. Capturing the imaginative style with coherent words on a paper that involve original ideas is writing.

Image by Amanda G. Wright

[Next in Behind the eyes of a writer™ series]


© 2012 R.E.L. Copywriting


Behind the eyes of a writer™: A series, part one

 Behind the eyes of a writer™: A series, part one

Robin Ellen Lucas listens to your story with creative copywritingpoetic writing for creative ad copy

...a faucet of words

The writer is a person whose faucet of words continues to flow. There is no on/off switch. But, the writer—an author of freelance ways of the mind—can also take a nap. A good nap. And in that slumber, words dancing (or not), there is an inflection that breathes through inactivity that produces the artistic work.

The word is a design conjured up by the intellect, and is part of a character of the life an author instills.  

[Next in Behind the eyes of a writer™ series]


© 2012 R.E.L. Copywriting


Learning how to live like a cat

I have wondered lately if it would be possible to live the life of one of my two indoor cats, and if I were to accomplish this endeavor, how relaxed life would be. As I rush around through my days full of schedules and kids, I often remind myself of the solace I will feel when I finally get to relax on the floor—alone in a space to call my own, just big enough for me, for a meditative yoga pose... eyes closed.

But as I break free from my own little world, looking into the universe that my cats call home, I find that they are to be revered as far as wellness is concerned.

I once told a friend of mine that I'm taking a two week vacation, yet to stay at home. My vacation was to be at home and live the life of a cat.

I would wake up when I please, get someone to make me food and change my water, and then look for a warm, sunny spot to chill for awhile. If it got too loud, I would retreat to a cozy, cavelike spot surrounded with all things warm and fluffy. I would sleep for hours, only to wake when I missed the people I love.

I would then make my way to them to cuddle with glee, purr loudly and enjoy my bliss—sometimes by a bonus fireplace—and life would be complete.


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Letting go of worries, enjoying your summer days, living your yoga


It's summertime... But just because the beach and sunshine beckon you to follow a free-spirited attitude, you can actually allow yourself to relive your yoga.

Living yoga keeps you focused on your breath all day, getting you through stressful situations, structured responsibilities, which destresses you but also opens you to higher spiritual potentials.

Better said, don't worry if summer schedules take you away from your disciplined yoga practice. You do not have to be doing asanas in a yoga studio to be doing yoga.

Remember, yoga is a way of life. It can help you smile your way through life with a knowing vision in your heart. Living yoga in your life can teach you that no matter what, what you love is always there, will be there tomorrow, and has always been there.

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